Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Hocking Block

When my mom left, I was about 8 years old. That would have made her around 25
When my mom left, she stopped raising me.

She worked at the local Farmer Jack. 
She met a young man who worked there as well, he was 18 years old.
I am 44 years old now.
This summer, that young man died. 
He had spent the majority of these last 36 years with my mother and his alcoholism.
They have a 20 year old daughter together, my half sister. 
He divorced my mom about 2 years ago. He wasn't nice about it.

Amazingly, to his parents disappointment, his alcoholism continued on after the marriage ended. They were sure he only drank because of my mom. They were wrong.
My mom didn't want the divorce and hasn't handled it well at all.
At 62 she's basically still a kid who needs constant help with everything , won't ask for help until it's too late and then instantly resents having accept it.
This summer I was sitting at Bran's Steak House with my cousin Mike and my good friend Tom around 9:30 PM when I got a text from my wife. 
"Jeff you need to call you mom NOW. It's Pete"
The moment I read the text, my stomach dropped.
I called my wife, not my mom. My wife told me the news.
My drunken ex-step dad was found dead in his bathroom by a friend.
We'd come to find out later it was a combination of 5 prescription drugs plus a huge amount of alcohol. We'll never know if it was intentional or not.
He was 54 years old. 
The last 5 moths have been me dealing with lawyers and my mother and problems that come about when a man dies with no will, no instructions and 20 year old girl as his sole heir. 
We've been fighting his parents who thought THEY should be the executors of his estate and thought they should be his heir. 
It's cost money and time I don't have.
It's caused stress and tension I don't want.
It's all for a woman and her daughter who don't really like me very much.
It now the holidays.
My mom and half sister are around more now.
It all seems forced. She needs me, but doesn't like it.
I know I have to do what's right, even though it will most likely end badly. Again.
I don't have unlimited money. I can't get unlimited ulcers. I don't have much left in the empathy tank.
It's hard to get all of this from a stone, a cold, emotionless, dumb stone who should know better.

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